We often hear so many opinions and myths about how a couple cannot work together as it doubles up their conflict zones. However, there are many couples who prove the theory wrong and succeed.

How as a Couple We Balance Relationship & Running a Business Together

business couple, time management, couple who work together

We often hear so many opinions and myths about how a couple cannot work together as it doubles up their conflict zones. However, there are many couples who prove the theory wrong and succeed. Let’s dive into the story of one such successful team of two!

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” - Henry Ford

This quote is true when it comes to this lovely couple. Delighted to introduce Richa and Devesh, who achieved success few dream of, that too as a team. 

Richa Sharma and Devesh Gautam are a couple who dared to mix business with personal life.  

Devesh is originally from Bihar and moved to Kolkata to pursue his business goals, while Richa has been a Kolkata girl all her life. Richa is academically inclined, was looking forward to her career pursuing CS, and had no problems being an employee,  While Devesh is passionate about entrepreneurship and wanted to have his own startup.

They started talking as colleagues, became friends, and understood they have one thing in common - a quest for growth and success.

Soon they fell in love and got married in 2018. In a few months, Richa too decided to have an unconventional career and they started to work together as a team. 

Richa states “ Yes, we are aware of the popular mindset that a couple can’t work together as it might lead to conflicts both at home and work. We wanted to change the thought process around this concept and succeeded. It’s important not to get influenced by opinions”.

The Struggle

Richa says “After getting married, we started our Entrepreneurship journey and things weren't easy initially. We started the much in demand Beauty products business.  Alongside this, we also had to settle into a new home with little help. “

As Entrepreneurs their life revolved around business,  “It isn't easy.  It takes time to establish a brand…People who hate working nine to five end up working seven to eleven!! That continues on weekends!” jokes Devesh. I could see ambition in him as he brightened up.

He continues “ Shanthi, the fact that Entrepreneurship makes one busy, and the financial struggles for some time, frustrates many. You won’t be emotionally available to the partner, always in meetings or traveling. It could make our partner feel lonely” 

Richa quips thoughtfully  "Initially we didn't cook for around 2 years as we used to have a very busy schedule so it was not possible to look after home or kitchen. Due to the heavy workload, we didn't even get time to spend together which led to miscommunications and conflicts arose.

We were growing our brand exponentially but our personal life and health got affected. Success wasn’t that sweet !” 

But their love for each other triumphed over all odds. Uncertainty during the lockdown gave them a new opportunity- this time to stabilize their personal life. Devesh shares how they utilized the Covid times to set the right things. "Lockdown brought that stability in our life which gave us time to think and settle everything related to home. Cooking became a team work and was therapeutic. We resolved our misunderstandings.  We got close during lockdown I can say”

Renew, relearn, Restore

“We were clear about priorities and put our health and relationship above all.”

Richa shares “It was tough Shanthi, but we worked together on our home, health, and issues of spending time together. We cooked healthy dishes together, started exercising, and took out time after work for ourselves. This put everything in line, and we understood that efforts with consistency are required in personal life as well”.

In a few months, our relationship renewed itself with better health, communication, and new ideas for spending time together. We set up a healthy routine which benefited our relationship”

Couple-time is a must  

They have recently opened a health-conscious cafe Sendha Namak. Despite having a busier schedule with two startups now, they make sure to follow a couple of rituals on a daily basis. Devesh emphasizes on the importance of “we” time. “After work, we go on a moonwalk that’s our greatest stress buster. On the days when we cannot, we make sure to hang out at home for at least an hour with no distractions like gadgets, just talking to each other. These seem too simple but are effective tools to know our partner better. Communication is the key”.

Respect the contradictions

Their advice to other couples is to understand that relationship is the top priority. It can be made better with healthy habits and a positive mindset toward the partner.

Richa says “ We need to understand that differences can be beautiful. When we learn to accept the other person and not fight for a change, relationships blossom beautifully”.

Devesh nods in agreement and adds “ If we respect, we accept. That’s very important. Also if you want to work together, please do and ignore stereotypes”. For us, It's not just growing old together but with each passing day growing in all aspects of life. 

Hope this beautiful story brightens your day! If you want to share your inspiring story with other couples, do drop us an email at hello@thebaelyapp.com

About the Interviewer
About the Author
Shanthi Komaravolu
Shanthi Komaravolu enjoys bringing wonderful stories to light. She believes storytelling is an impactful tool to inspire people. She is also a Growth Enabler in the Start-Up ecosystem
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