With a little planning and mindfulness, it is possible to have a quality digital detox vacation and reconnect emotionally as a couple.

How To Plan a Tech-Free Vacation With Your Partner

couple digital detox holiday

Are you and your partner looking for a tech free vacation to unplug and reconnect with each other? Do you struggle with setting boundaries and sticking to them when it comes to technology during your time away? If so, you're not alone.

According to Dr. Jennifer Antony a clinical and medical health expert based in Bengaluru, "The constant bombardment of notifications, messages and emails can make it difficult for couples to fully disconnect and enjoy their vacation time together. But with a little planning and mindfulness, it is possible to have a quality digital detox vacation and reconnect emotionally as a couple.”

Here are some tips and insights from mental health experts and couples who have successfully navigated a technology-free getaway.

1. Set clear boundaries and expectations before leaving

Before you even step foot on vacation, it's important to have a conversation with your partner about your individual and collective technology use during the trip. Dr Antony advises, "Couples should establish clear boundaries and expectations for technology use before leaving on vacation. This includes setting limits on phone and social media use, as well as agreeing on specific times during the day when technology will not be allowed."

Couples can also consider setting up a mutual time that outlines when and where smartphones, etc are allowed during the vacation. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise during the trip. We understand that notifications come anytime, but you can always choose to go through them at a time both of you have agreed upon. If while on a vacation, you respond to a message after a few hours, you will hardly lose anything. However, if you keep looking at your phone, you will lose out on the opportunity to spend some quality time with your partner. 

2. Make it a fun

Once you and your partner have agreed on the boundaries, you can make it fun by adding a penalty for the one who breaks the rules. E.g every time anyone breaks the rule, the other partner gets a coupon which he/she can redeem. You can pre-decide on the coupons e.g. give a massage, get to choose the next activity, etc. This is a good chance to be creative.

3. Find activities that don't require technology

According to Dr. Antony, "Couples should plan activities such as hiking, swimming, or spending time in nature to avoid excess use of gadgets."

Couples can also consider taking a yoga or meditation class together or even planning a spa day. These activities can help couples focus on the present moment and strengthen their connection with each other.  

4. Turn off notifications and put phones in "Do Not Disturb" mode

It can be difficult to disconnect from technology when your phone is constantly buzzing with notifications. To avoid this, Dr Antony suggests "turning off notifications and putting phones in 'Do Not Disturb' mode." This can help prevent distractions and allow couples to fully enjoy their time together without constant interruptions. This is especially important because we all like to take pictures when doing things with our partner and we immediately take out our smartphones for it, however sometimes what ends up happening is that we get sucked into reading the notifications.

Couples can also consider keeping their phones in a designated location during the day, such as a hotel safe or a shared bag, to help them resist the urge to constantly check their devices.

5. Set up Auto Reply to Emails 

Sometimes we struggle to manage office work expectations on emails when they expect quick replies to messages. The auto-reply feature allows us to set an automatic response to incoming emails, informing that you are on a break and will get back soon/ by the mentioned date. This helps you enjoy your vacation with your partner without disturbance or the mental pressure of checking your phone. 

We spoke with a few couples who shared their experiences on how they managed to ensure a quality digital detox vacation:

"We made a rule that we wouldn't check our phones during meals or when we were out exploring together. It was tough at first, but we quickly realized how much more present we were with each other and how much more we enjoyed our time away." - Jenny and Akbar from Mumbai, a couple in their 30s who recently took a digital detox vacation to Hawaii.

"We set up a shared calendar with specific times for checking emails and social media, and it helped us stick to our boundaries and not get sucked into the endless scroll. Plus, it allowed us to fully enjoy our time together without feeling like we were missing out on something." - Sameera and Alen, a couple who took a digital detox vacation to Goa in Jan 2022. 

"It was amazing to not be constantly distracted by notifications when we put those off and to fully enjoy our time together without any interruptions." -Harnoor Kaur and Ramanpreet Singh, a couple who took a digital detox vacation to Mumbai from Delhi.

In conclusion, a digital detox vacation as a couple can be an opportunity for you and your partner to unplug and reconnect on a deeper level. It allows you to set aside the distractions of technology and focus on building a deeper emotional connection with your partner. Also, at Baely, we believe that digital detox should not be limited to your vacations only, it's a healthy habit for couples to have even when you are at home, out for drive, on a date night, etc. If you need help, planning a digital detox, sign up for a ritual here and we will send you timely reminders and support along the way to help you stay on track.

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