It's a small but a very effective gesture to show your partner that you care, you notice and that they are not taken for granted

Appreciate Your Partner

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Sakshi T


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Who doesn't enjoy appreciation? And when it comes to intimacy in a relationship, appreciation can truly help both partners want to be a better version of themselves for the other one. Expressing appreciation to your partner on a regular basis is a simple but powerful ritual  to show your partner that you care, you notice and that they are not taken for granted. It could be in the form of small text message, a note left on the dresser, or a kiss on their cheeks with kind words. It also further helps deepen the feeling of security in your relationship.

Here are a few things to keep in mind

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1. Be Consistent 

Make expressing appreciation a regular part of your communication with your partner. You can do this daily, weekly, or at any other frequency that works for you.

2. Be Specific

Be specific when expressing appreciation. Instead of simply saying "I love you," try saying something like "I appreciate the way you always listen to me when I need to talk. It means so much to me."

3. Be Real

Be sincere and genuine when expressing appreciation. Make sure to express appreciation for things that your partner does that are truly meaningful to you.

4. Let the Effort be Mutual

Encourage your partner to also express appreciation to you. This can help create a culture of appreciation in your relationship, which can further strengthen your bond.

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